Monday, July 12, 2010

Whoa. I don't even know what to tell ya with that one! I'd be allllll over that cookie dough. The only thing that might help is upping your intake of protein?? Like eat a bunch of egg whites on your salad and snag some meat from the pizzas? Protein does a really good job of filling me up so I don't crave things as much. Also things with fiber tend to expand in your stomach so it's also pretty filling. Broccoli works for me. Plus it leaves an interesting taste in your mouth so other food would taste weird haha. The cookie dough might be a sweet craving though, so eat some fruit to get a little sugar in your system. Try to snack on healthy things off your break to keep your mind off the cookie dough. But in all honesty, that is a crazy hard situation!! Tell your boss to write you up for eating cookie dough haha.

I'm having a dilemma of my own today. I am sick of working out indoors, but I'm waking up too late to jog outside unless i want to enjoy running in 95 degree weather. Then I say, "oh, I'll just run tonight when it's cooler," but then we all know how that goes. I didn't work out Saturday or Sunday. What do I do?!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

First off, I want to say Kate, that is awesome what you are doing planning your meals and such. Thats probably the best way to keep your eating in check! So I really need some help with something, I have tried so many things and nothing works. I work at a pizza place and we are allowed to eat anything. There is pizza, dessert pizza and pasta and salad. I always eat a salad, but my break is a half hour long and it only takes me like 15 mins to eat the salad and I can't help it but to eat some pasta or cookie dough pizza or something like that because the salad just doesn't quite satisfy. Also when I am making the pizzas there is a 5 gal container of cookie dough for the pizzas and I just snag a few pieces of it here and there but when I'm working for 6-8 hours, by the time I'm done with my shift I have probably eaten like a dozen cookies worth of dough and I feel disgusting. I know exactly how I'm going to feel after eating all of that when I start eating it but I can't resist. I NEED a solution, it's awful and I can't figure out how to control myself!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bryanne, that's an excellent idea! I have really crazy days on Friday. I'm literally working all day, so I just decided Friday would be my break day, but I feel like taking a break in the first week of exercise makes it really hard to go back. So maybe I'll go for a little walk tonight! I've actually heard walking or running the length of...let's say, a football field...burns the same amount of calories because the walking takes longer. I feel like that can't be true. But how cool would it be if that were true!...i just hate getting sweaty haha.

Yesterday I ran in the morning and did the biceps and back p90x tape with Tink. Today, nothing, but maybe a walk later if I can find some reflective material. Too bad i got rid of my metallic spandex :)

As for my eating habits, I just need to brag for a second. So Sunday night I went to the grocery store and I got fruits,veggies, and meat. On Monday I spent all morning cooking up half of my chicken and turkey and putting it in ziplocks. So all week whenever I've been hungry i grab some meat and put it on a salad or mix it in an omlette or eat it in a sandwich. So because I was prepared, I've had no excuse to eat bad. Basically for every meal I've been eating a meat and a fruit or veggie and it's kept me totally satisfied. ALSO, today at work there were those delicious store-bought sugar cookies with the thick frosting and chocolate cupcakes, and I didn't even want them!!! I was so happy haha. Anyway, enough self-indulging for the evening. I need to go on a walk :)


Burn calories even when there's no time

Today was really busy and I only had like a 45 minute window of free time before work, which isn't enough time to do a good work out and shower and get ready, so I just went for a 45 min long walk, that way I was burning a few calories but not getting all hot and sweaty and could just go straight to work. I know it's not that awesome but I think it's good to do anything you can everyday, even if there's only a little time!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

HEY!!! Kate, I'm so excited you have started this blog, this is seriously going to help motivate me to get out and go do something active. This week started off nice, I didn't have school on Monday, so I started my day off with a nice 3 mile run early in the morning before it got too hot! (Just as an FYI I am training for an olympic sized triathlon so I need all the motivation I can to keep up the training, its a mile swim, 24 mile bike and 6.2 mile run...YIKES!) That night a group of us got together for some ultimate frisbee, which if you can get a group together to play something like that on days you just know your not in the mood for a real "work out" this can give you some really good exercise and you don't even realize how many calories you are burning. Tuesday and Wednesday were kind of failures as far as activity goes, my excuses are school and work, they get in the way sometimes. Today, however, I did a brick, which is where you do 2 of the 3 exercises (swimming, biking and running to get your body used to doing them one after the other). So today I did a 12 mile bike ride then a 1.3 mile run, thats all I had left in me, I wanted to die! I really like the idea of the stickers on the calender each time you work out. Simply weighing myself a lot seems to help me also, if I see that number creeping up I just want to lose that weight, and once I see it start to go down pretty consistently I just want to keep it up!
As far as diet goes, I know I can't give up my ice cream, I just love it way too much, but I do need to control how much I eat of it. I also have a really hard time with portion control, when I start to eat something I just want something else and something else right after that. I've realized that the more I'm away from home keeping myself busy the better I eat. That only works though if I plan for my day and pack myself what I can eat. One of my favorite treats lately has been a bowl of strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries, with one of my favorite yogurt (light) flavors and some low fat granola. It's delicious, and tastes great on a hot day! Another thing that I really like, but I don't think very many others would like it, is plain oatmeal, with strawberries and cottage cheese. I always have to add just a little brown sugar to it, but if you like the taste without the sugar, go with that! I also always make sure to have a bag of carrots in my fridge to snack on if I need something to snack on!
I want to start hearing some good diet ideas! How I can control my portions better, and how I can control that sweets craving! Sorry for the lengthy post but I'm really excited about helping you guys while you help me!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


so i started Monday, running full force into my exercise plan. went grocery shopping for healthy food, got my kathy smith workout video in hand, and mentally preparing for the many sweaty showers i'll be taking (you're welcome, world). but this is how every workout binge begins. so what has been missing in the past?? incentive! so this time i've created little silly things to make me feel like i'm making a difference. every time i work out i get a happy face sticker to put on my calendar (which looks so cute with my July vintage barbie). and every day i complete my workout, i put a tally on my whiteboard. and when i don't complete my workout i have to erase my tallies and start all over. so far it's just the three, but we'll see how this all goes!

so, what are you doing for incentives???

  • on monday i had the pleasure of working out with my besties tink and kathy smith! gotta rep the 80s!
  • tuesday, not so creative...kathy smith again. and i feel like it's not doing enough because my muscles know exactly what comes next...not so good. NOTE: Tink, when are we starting p90x?!?
  • tonight, i ran 2 miles WITHOUT STOPPING! yesssssss. i feel so good about it, tomorrow probably not so much.

but this is what i've been doing! what about you guys?! post something if you have the password so i know you're out there :)


werk it, girls!

welcome to the land of exercise! i wanted to create a place where friends could come together and share their experiences of working out and trying to be healthy. i know it's weird coming from the girl who's favorite food groups are donuts and ice cream, but i'm trying to leave behind the world of muffin tops and horrible digestion and join the world of toned muscles and happy insides...and i hope you can all join me :)

i made this blog in hopes that friends could post about their exercise goals and how they all come into play (or don't come into play). i know for me it's really important to feel like i'm held accountable for my workouts...or i won't care to do them!! so, think of this as a support group or an incentive kind of thing. a safe place you can go to hopefully get inspired, or just let loose on your frustrations. you can pretty much post anything you'd like. things like:

daily updates of your workout schedule
weekly weigh-ins
fitness tips
delicious and healthy recipes
group exercise plans
successes or frustrations

i know this all sounds uber cheesy, but i know (for me at least), this will totally help! and what's better than feeling like you have the support of your friends in this long and treacherous of getting fit :)

feel free to tell your other friends about this and get them set up with the e-mail and password so they can join too! thank you for hopping on board. wwweeeerrrrkkkk :)